What is rotated pole grid in cordex data?

In CORDEX rlat/rlon are as rotated grids with the position of the rotated North(or South) Pole given in geographic coordinates. The results can be equal to regular or not. for example in MNA rlat/rlon data are equal to regular coordinates but in SAM, WAS, etc. are not equal to regular coordinates. This depend on axis of rotation in domains. If you want to use rlat/rlon, you should rotate your regular coordinate. You can do it by Netcdf Extractor V2.1 and use online free tool: Rotation of Coordinates Based On CORDEX Domains

The CORDEX domains are defined as rectangles in rotated-pole coordinates. A domain has to lie inside the RCM interior computational domain, i.e. in the area left once the relaxation zone is excluded. It is strongly recommended that RCMs using the rotated pole projection.

The domain acronym has to be 'domain'-'resolution', for example 'domain'-44, 'domain'-22, 'domain'-11, etc. corresponding to the chosen grid spacing. The data have to be provided for the CORDEX domain only, i.e. the relaxation zones have to be cut off before the data is delivered. Some native CORDEX grids have rotated poles, for example the native European domains EUR-44 and EUR-11.

If you have a NetCDF file that it is not related to CORDEX and it has rotated pole grid so you can use 'Open NC File' tool to read data from your file/s.

Name: Jeffrey

What is Rotated Coordinates in CORDEX NetCDF Data and How to Convert